Call out for Nordic future makers!

By | April 26, 2017

Do you have a research-based invention, concept, model, method, or other form of an innovation that could help to build more sustainable futures for our planet?

University of Turku Pentti Malaska Futures Award of €30,000 is now available for research-based, visionary solutions for global challenges.

The award is granted for the first time in 2017, in the honour of the 25th anniversary of Finland Futures Research Centre at the University of Turku.

In order to ensure a fair future for the coming generations on this planet, we are in urgent need of new solutions that will help to restore the balance between humankind, technology and nature. The award will be granted for a visionary, boundary-crossing, research-based invention, concept, model, method, or other form of an innovation that supports the building of more sustainable global futures.

The competition is open for Nordic (Finnish, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Icelandic) futures researchers and research teams with a future-oriented research approach within any academic field, or their combinations.

The new and innovative solutions we are looking for should be based on academic research or be in some other way closely linked to academic world. The presented solution must be at the stage where it has already been developed, prototyped, tested and patented, or where the innovation potential of the solution has otherwise been proven. Solutions that are only at the stage of an idea will be excluded from the competition.

For more information see: UTU.FI/FUTURES-AWARD