Manual for NORDTEK Mobility Coordinators


NORDTEK is a network consisting of universities in the Nordic and Baltic countries with advanced engineering and architecture programmes, and research. Activities of the network are funded by member contributions, Erasmus+ and Nordplus. This manual describes the procedures and rules for the Mobility Programme for Nordplus and is intended to be helpful for mobility coordinator. However, it is not detailed enough to be suitable informational material for students. The manual is updated on regular basis. It is therefore important for users to suggest additions and changes.


The NORDTEK network is based on an agreement between technical universities in the Nordic and Baltic countries. The agreement covers Student and Teacher exchange in engineering and architecture programmes between the participating universities. As decided at the Rectors’ Conference, a steering committee prioritizes and decides about the scholarships. The steering committee consists of the NORDTEK Secretary General, the Mobility Programme Coordinator and the National Coordinators. Each member institution appoints a mobility coordinator, who is responsible for marketing the network and handling administrative tasks in connection with exchange. Once a year, mobility coordinators meet to address common issues. The Secretary General presents the meeting’s suggestions to the Board of Directors for discussion and decision-making. A list of names and e-mails of the mobility coordinators, country coordinators, and those working with administration is kept up-to-date.

Brief description of the programme

Sixteen technical universities and institutes of technology in the Nordic countries started the programme in 1985. The aim is to enable students to take advantage of the range of specializations available through exchange. The cooperation also involves the need to reduce all specializations in each country. In addition, the student experiences the cultural and social environment in the other country. Since the demand for scholarships exceeds the supply Nordplus has available, a selection process hands out the scholarships. The network arranges student exchange even for those students who do not receive scholarships from NORDTEK. The mobility programme applies only to exchange between network members. New members can join the network by application.


Material from the participating universities constitutes important information. Most of the educational information is only available on the Internet. The mobility coordinators are responsible for ensuring that the right information is made available and for assisting with questions. Active marketing of the network is important. Marketing can be done in different ways and should be tailored to the conditions at each member institution. Some examples of marketing activities are:

  • Website
  • Information to all students via email
  • Peer group information from former exchange students
  • Internationalization Day
  • Information to the institutions and teachers
  • Information through programme guidance
  • Information to the student unions
  • Information material and contact information should be presented in a way that students can obtain information about the different educational programmes and specializations.

Nordplus Scholarship amount

All students get the same grant amount irrespectively from where they come and to where they go. The standard amount for each semester is maximum 1480€. However, the scholarship amount per student can also be less if the total funding available for scholarships is insufficient.

Nordplus Application procedure

In addition to the application required by the host institution in order to accept the student for exchange study, the mobility coordinator is responsible for submitting the scholarship application to the mobility programme coordinator. There are two calls for applications:

  • The Main call with deadline on April 30th. In the Main call scholarships are allocated both for autumn and spring semester. If necessary, all available money will be allocated in this call.
  • The Second call with deadline on October 31st. If NORDTEK has funding left from the Main call or has received new funding for scholarships, a Second call for scholarships for the spring semester can be arranged. The mobility programme coordinator is responsible for informing the mobility coordinator about the availability of scholarships for the second call.

Please note that:

  • The scholarship is only for exchange studies and not for students who have been admitted as degree students to the host university.
  • The mobility coordinator is responsible for collecting applications at the home institution.
  • The mobility coordinator must ensure that the applications are complete with all the necessary information and that the conditions for eligibility for the scholarship are met.
  • Applications must be prioritized in the order determined by the home institution.
  • The applicant’s banking details are submitted to the Mobility coordinator/Coordinating institution by the applicant.
  • The mobility programme coordinator must receive applications no later than the deadlines stated above.

Decisions on the allocation of scholarships

The allocation of scholarships is made twice a year. The Main call allocates scholarships for autumn and spring semesters. The Second call allocates possible leftover funding for the spring semester.

The allocation of the scholarships in the main call follows the procedure below.

  1. Each member institution is initially guaranteed two semesters of scholarships to distribute to its outgoing students (two students for one semester each or one student for two semesters).
  2. The mobility coordinator is responsible for prioritizing its outgoing students in terms of scholarships and that the nominated students meet the eligibility criteria. The mobility coordinator makes sure that the scholarship applications are sent to the mobility programme coordinator before the deadline and that the applications are prioritized.
  3. After application deadline, the mobility programme coordinator collects the information into a status report, which is sent to the steering committee well in time before the steering committee meeting.
  4. At the steering committee meeting, the applications are prioritized according to the principle about two guaranteed scholarships and the order of priority stated below, but not finally allocated.
  5. When the grants from Nordplus and other possible financial resources are decided, the mobility programme coordinator reserves scholarships for the guaranteed students and sends an updated status report to the steering committee.
  6. The steering committee decides on the final distribution in a meeting or per capsulam.

The allocation of the scholarships in the second call follows the procedure below.

  1. The mobility coordinator is responsible for prioritizing applicants in terms of scholarships and that the nominated students meet the eligibility criteria. The mobility coordinator makes sure that the scholarship applications are sent to the mobility programme coordinator before the deadline and that the applications are prioritized.
  2. The mobility programme coordinator collects the information into a status report, which is sent to the steering committee well in time before the steering committee meeting.
  3. Available funding for scholarships should be distributed as scholarships at a steering committee meeting according to the order of priority stated below. The scholarship rate should be the same as in the main call.

The order of priority is:

  • Two scholarships to each member institution.
  • Universities not using their guaranteed places in the main call will be prioritized up to their number of guaranteed places (only applies in the Second call).
  • To Finland from Denmark, Iceland, Norway and Sweden.
  • To Baltic countries from Nordic countries.
  • In relation to the number of applications per home institution.
  • Express mobility is granted on first come first serve basis (up to two per member institution).

The mobility programme coordinator notifies each mobility coordinator at his/her respective institution of the decision. It is the responsibility of the mobility coordinator to ensure that applicants are informed of the decision.

Conditions for scholarships

  • Before the exchange, an exchange studies plan for full-time semester studies needs to be drafted and confirmed by the home university. Only students who are full time students at the institution in a degree programme can receive a scholarship.
  • The applicant cannot receive a scholarship to attend a university in the applicant’s own home country (i.e. country of nationality or normal country of residence). The scholarships are intended for studies in engineering programmes. This also applies to students in an engineering programme in the Bologna 3 + 2 model.
  • To follow courses at bachelor’s level the student must have completed at least two years of studies within engineering (i.e. 120 ECTS) by the beginning of his/her exchange term.
  • To follow courses at master’s level, the student must have completed what compares to three years of university studies within a relevant engineering programme (i.e. 180 ECTS) by the beginning of his/her exchange term.
  • Scholarships are granted for one or two semesters. The student must submit a new application if they wish to extend their study time from one to two semesters.
  • During the exchange period, the student must be present in the host university (virtual mobility is not funded).
  • Completed courses must be transferred to the student’s home university.
  • A student who has not fully participated in exchange studies and has not passed any courses at the host university, has to pay back the scholarship.
  • If the exchange period is prematurely terminated, the scholarship must be repaid for the corresponding period.

Reception of students

  • After arriving to the host university, get in touch with the local NORDTEK mobility coordinator to get your signed Confirmation of Arrival form. The grant will be paid to the student’s bank account after sending the Scholarship Certificate and the Confirmation of Arrival to the NORDTEK Mobility Programme Coordinator.
  • If a student is granted a scholarship but doesn’t participate in the courses, the scholarship must be repaid for the corresponding period.
  • Students pay student union fees when necessary to get a programme ID, a student union ID or the like, and to receive student union benefits. The mobility coordinator provides information to arriving students.
  • The host institution assists students in finding suitable housing. It is not the responsibility of the institution to arrange housing for any accompanying family.
  • The mobility coordinator/host institution is responsible for submitting a transcript of records of courses completed by the student. The document must be of similar quality to other course and degree documents at the institution.
  • Due to a insufficient language proficiency, students may have difficulties in benefiting from the instruction at the host institution. It is therefore important that the home institution offers language courses in order to improve language proficiency if needed.
  • In accordance with the requirements for exchange at the home institution, the student writes a report. It must be submitted to the mobility coordinator at the home institution. The report must contain a brief description of the exchange. The purpose is to get knowledge about the exchange system and to provide a basis for improvements, and to offer valuable experience for prospective exchange students.

Travel grants for teachers

Every year, NORDTEK awards a number of Nordplus mobility scholarships to teachers. The application is sent to the mobility programme coordinator and must contain a brief description of the purpose of the trip to the prospective host institution and length of stay.

Mobility coordinators’ meeting

Each year, a meeting with all the mobility coordinators and representatives of the steering committee is held in conjunction with the Rectors’ Meeting in June. The meeting provides an important forum for the exchange of information and for discussing issues that may arise. The Nordic and Baltic countries take turns hosting the meeting and conference.


Each mobility coordinator should have his/her own checklist that describes the procedures used at the home institution. This is especially important when a new mobility coordinator takes over.